Limitations of statistics

The field of statistics,though widely used in all area of human knowledge and widely applied in a variety of disciplines such as business,economics and research ,has its own limitations.some of these limitations are;

01)It does and deal with individual value

Statistics onlt deal with aggregate values.

02)It cannot deal with qualitative characteristics

Statistics is not applicable to qualitative characteristics such as honestly.integrity goodness,colour,poverty,beauty and so on,since these cannot be expressed in quantitative values were assigned to these with logical criteria.

03)Statisticscal conclusiona are not universally true

Since statistics is not an exact science, as is the case with natural sciences,the statisticscal conclusion are true only under certain assumtions.Alse,the field deals extensively with the laws of probability.which at best are educated guesses.

04)Statisticscal interpretation requires a high degree of skill and understanding of the subject

In order to get  meaningful results,it us necessary that the data be prooerly and professionally collected and critically interpreted.It requires extensive training to read and analyse statistics in its proper context.

05)statistics can be misused

The famouse statement that figures do not lie but the liars can figure is a testimony to be misuse of statistics.Thus,inaccurate or incomplete figures can be manipulated to get disarable references.

Limitations of statistics Limitations of statistics Reviewed by world hits on August 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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