Tabulation of Data

Presentation of categorical Data
Tabulation of Data

By Tabulation we mean,a systematic presentation of numerical data in columns and rows in accordance with some salient features or characteristics .
The main objectives of tabulation are;
1.To clarify the object of investigation.
2.To simplify complex data.
3.To clarify the characteristics of data.
4.To present facts in the minimum of space
5.To facilitate comparison
6.To detect errors and omissions in the data.
7.To depict trend and tendencies of the problem under consideration.
8.To facilities statisticscal proccessing .
9.To help references.
These are table in which the values of one variable are displayed against the values of other variable   If we cross-tabulate two variables we genarate a two-way table.if we cross-tabulate three variables we get a three-way table,and so on.To present cross-tabulations of three or more variables on paper we need to split the table into "layers" and show each layer separately.
Tabulation of Data Tabulation of Data Reviewed by world hits on August 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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